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How do I create a disaggregated balance sheet?

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A disaggregated balance sheet must adhere to the restriction definitions contained in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), as described in this article: What is a disaggregated balance sheet?
If your organization receives an audit or a review, you are required to fill out a disaggregated balance sheet in the Cultural Data Profile (CDP), and fill out all of your assets and liabilities by restriction category.  Unaudited organizations will fill out a single-column balance sheet, and only split net assets by restriction. 

To enter a disaggregated balance sheet, first review the assets in your audit’s balance sheet, which is often called the Statement of Financial Position, against the assets you entered in the CDP to make sure all totals are correct.  Then check the “Notes to Financial Statements” section. These footnotes often contain important details about your endowments and other investments, fixed assets, and restricted net assets. 
Review grants, pledges, contracts, and other receivables to see if any of these have a restricted component. Grant award letters, contracts, and other internal documentation may contain this information.  
Next, review investments. Investments should go on the "Investments--Current" or the "Investments--Non-Current" lines, depending on whether the investments could be converted to cash within one year. Investments should be disaggregated by restriction class.  Your audit footnotes may help you determine the restrictions of your investments. 

Endowments may be held in cash, investments, or other assets. While all assets should be included in the "Assets, Liabilities, & Net Assets" section.
Occasionally, fixed asset items or leasehold improvements may be considered restricted. Review your audit footnotes and internal documentation to see if this is true, and place the asset item in the appropriate column.  
Look over your cash.  Grants or pledges already received and earmarked for a future time period after the current fiscal year may be restricted, and should be split between columns appropriately in the assets portion of the Balance Sheet. 
Although liabilities are usually unrestricted, this is not always true.  If an expense has been incurred in a restricted category and a corresponding liability, such as accounts payable, has been recorded, the liability should be shown in the restricted column. Review your audit footnotes and internal documentation to make sure none of your other liabilities are restricted. 
For more information on this topic, see these related questions:



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