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How do I run or produce a Funder Report?

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Once you have completed a Cultural Data Profile survey, you can use that information for a grant application by generating a Funder Report. You may also preview a draft Funder Report if you would like to view your formatted data before you are ready to share this information with your grantmaker.

Only organizations with at least one completed Cultural Data Profile survey can generate a Funder Report. Please check the grant guidelines, as most grantmakers require 2 or more years' worth of data. If an organization has 3 or more years completed, the Funder Report may include the 3 most recent fiscal years of information.

Follow these steps to run a Funder Report:
  • From your dashboard, click on the link at the top of the page that says Funder Reports and Grants.
  • Enter your grantmaker's name in the search box and click Find. Search results will return any active grant programs in your region. To learn more about a grant program, click View in the details column on the far right.
  • Basic grant requirements will appear, as well as an orange Generate Report button. Select Generate Report if you are ready to share your data with your grantmaker, or click the link to run a draft report if you would like to view your formatted report without sharing it with your grantmaker.
  • You will see a series of pop-up windows. In the first pop-up, select the most recent year you want in the report and click Continue.
    • Next will be a pop-up message confirming the surveys to be included in the report for your grantmaker. Click on Generate Report
    • You will receive a message indicating that your report is being generated. Reports generally take 1-5 minutes to run. Close the window to return to the Funder Reports and Grants page.  
  • The top right of the page will show notifications. Click on the bell or circle to check your progress. You will receive a notification when your report has started, and another when it has finished generating.
  • Once the report has generated, it may download automatically to your computer based on your browser settings. Clicking on the notification icon will also give you a link to download the report.
  • You can review and download your reports at any time by selecting the View Generated Reports button from the Funder Reports and Grants page. 

Many grantmakers require applicants to send either a digital or paper copy of the Funder Report with the rest of the application materials. Please check your grant guidelines to be sure you complete the full application process correctly.

Please note: if you ran a draft report, your Funder Report will have a draft watermark across and will not be accepted by your grantmaker. If you have run both preview and final reports, please be sure to submit the correct file to your funder. 



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